Dec 15, 2016 | Flame Cutting
In the last week we have been working on a regular job for a repeat customer. One of the reasons we have such a high level of customer satisfaction is the time and money we save our customers. This saving is achieved through our ability to offer a range of services...
Dec 14, 2016 | Flame Cutting
We have had a fantastic start to 2016 with our flame cutting and lumsden grinding departments as busy as ever. We have a range of flame cuts going through the shop at moment from one off flame cuts to batch production runs. In the photo below you can see a job we have...
Nov 29, 2016 | Flame Cutting, Lumsden Grinding
Over the last week we have been working for a customer who supplies systems for diesel/petrol engine development. The ground flame cut steel profile in the photo is towards the thinner end of what we can offer on thickness with the maximum thickness we can flame cut...